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Sustainability  Consulting

for High Impact Industries

Progress on WSC's Emissions Reduction Goal
Million MT CO2e
Through heping our clients save energy and access new markets

Our clients are set to achieve $7.5 billion in savings over the next two decades by reducing 17 million MT CO2e in greenhouse gas emissions (GHG).

What We Do

Warm Springs Consulting (WSC) works with high-impact industries and organizations to build win-win-win solutions by designing and implementing regenerative systems that ensure financial sustainability while improving ecosystems and caring for communities. Our diverse work covers sustainability strategy, economic feasibility studies, electrification analysis, greenhouse-gas inventories, ESG reporting, climate resilience strategies, scenario planning, energy, and waste planning, technology planning and deployment, communications, stakeholder engagement, and organizational training.

The sectors and industries we work with include government, agriculture, mining, manufacturing, energy, defense, transportation, technology, and waste.


Who We Are

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"It’s not sustainable unless it’s profitable and regenerative."

Our Services

Policy & Engagement

Strategic Planning

Sustainability Consulting

Featured Projects

Sun Valley Community School

Sun Valley Community School Scopes of Work: Energy Audit Stakeholder Engagement Energy Efficiency Treasure Hunt - coordination, facilitation, data collection, modeling, report   Schedule: ...

Nevada Copper

Nevada Copper & Pala: Emissions Reduction Feasibility Scopes of Work: Life of Mine GHG Emissions Forecasting Renewable Energy Systems Feasibility Fleet Electrification Analysis & Trade-off ...

Joule Battery Technology

Joule Case: Sustainability Carbon Calculator and Various Projects Scopes of Work: CO2 Calculator Market Research Grant Research & Proposals   Schedule: Sept 2019 - Feb 2021   Summary: ...

Idaho Smart Energy Initiative

Idaho Smart Energy Initiative Scope of Work:  Branding Strategy Marketing & Messaging Event Coordination   Schedule: August 2018 - 2021   Summary: WSC worked with key business, ...

Davey Tree

The Davey Tree Expert Company Scopes of Work: Materiality Assessment Sustainability Strategy Facilitation Electrification Tradeoff Study Sustainable Business Model Innovation   Schedule: ...

Sustainability Strategy & Roadmap: Healthcare

Southern Idaho Solid Waste Amber Bieg - Warm Springs Consulting: Sustainability Strategy Leif Elgethun - Sprout Energy: Energy Consulting Deb LaSalle - Warm Springs Consulting: Research   Project ...

Clean Tech Start-up Consulting

Why Grow Cleantech Companies?  WSC partners will occasionally invest time in money in a company that aligns with our mission and has good market potential. We also work with startups on a discounted ...

Safeguarding Idaho’s Economy in a Changing Climate

  The Challenge Warm Springs Consulting was hired in April 2017 to coordinate Safeguarding Idaho’s Economy in a Changing Climate, a first of its kind, two-day summit to explore market-based solutions ...

Safe Routes to School Toolkits

  The Challenge The Safe Routes To School Partnership via San Francisco Department of the Environment hired WSC partner Amber Bieg and her team to develop 'toolkits' that would encourage parents ...

Urban Forest Map and Ecosystem Calculator

The Challenge WSC partner Amber Bieg and her team invented, designed, and developed the Urban Forest Map in an open-source collaborative web platform for crowdsourced tree inventory and information sharing, ...

Strategic Re-branding & Marketing Plan for Behavior Change

NVTA new bus design NVTA old bus design   The Challenge To increase ridership and public awareness to raise necessary funds for the Napa Valley Transportation Agency (NVTA), formerly known ...
