Energizing Rural Communities

Scopes of Work:
- Facilitation and coordination of analysis of energy efficiencies and cost saving opportunities for rural Idaho school districts.
Schedule: Aug 2023 - Ongoing
In spring 2023, WSC seized the opportunity offered by the DOE Energizing Rural Communities Prize, earning a $100,000 award for outreach and engagement in energy treasure hunt projects. As one of 67 winners, WSC initiated statewide Clean Energy Bounty Treasure Hunts in Jordan Valley, Wilder, and Duck Valley schools, embarking with students on school facilities tours to uncover cost savings opportunities related to energy efficiency.
During these treasure hunts, WSC worked closely with student teams to utilize EPA calculator spreadsheets and model cost savings from proposed energy-saving projects. Students then totaled the potential savings for their buildings, prioritized projects, and developed presentations to showcase their findings to school leadership.
As a result of these efforts, the schools are now positioned to replace outdated lighting with new LEDs, resulting in thousands of dollars in annual cost savings. WSC was impressed by the students' agility and enthusiasm in conducting hands-on research, gathering data, communicating findings, and presenting their recommendations.
With LED lighting projects as just the beginning, the future looks bright for energy efficiency cost savings in Idaho schools!

![IMG_6234[1] Jordan Valley Energy Treasure Hunt Participants](https://www.warmspringsconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/169/2024/05/IMG_62341-scaled.jpg)